To The Least of These, Inc.

Anchor in Jesus

Anchor in Jesus

Very soon it will be very hard for an SDA to live in the US. The prophecies have been fulfilled right under our eyes. Very few are paying attention. Now is the time for to anchor us in Jesus. Bible Translations: English KJV vs French Version I'm finding out many of...

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Onward Christian Soldiers!

Onward Christian Soldiers!

To The Least Of These came to life in September 27, 2008. The school door opened in January 2009 with two teachers and about 15 students. By 2017 we outgrew our third location, and about 120 young people were attending church every Sabbath. Many of them were already...

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My Education

My Education

He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again. Proverbs 19:17 KJV Schooling In Haiti Having completed the 6th grade my dad said to me "I didn't go further than that, so it will be for you." And so, I spent...

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